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Walking Tour of Katonah

As part of Katonah’s Centennial Celebration of its move from “old” Katonah in 1897, the Katonah Village Improvement Society published a self-guided walking tour through the residential National Register Historic District of Katonah and the hamlet’s historic commercial core.

Come take a walk through history and explore Katonah’s charming and noteworthy Victorian architecture, its colorful personalities and the historic events that helped to transform the “new” Katonah into the thriving and distinct village it is today. Plan a stop at the Katonah Village Library along your way to view the Katonah History Museum’s collection of old photographs and artifacts.

Click here to view or download and print the walking tour brochure and map. Hard copies of the brochure are also available at the Chamber Visitors Center.

The Katonah Chamber of Commerce would like to extend their appreciation to the Katonah Village Improvement Society and the Katonah Historical Museum for giving us permission to use their walking tour on our site. We also wish to acknowledge the work of brochure designer Floyd Rappy at Rappy & Company NYC, Map Illustrator Ron Bucalo as well as local historians Rachel Asher, Ron Bucalo, Laura Kaplan, Lydia Landesberg, Vicki Marwell, Floyd Rappy, Lisa Salzano, Robin Tropiano, Susan Warsaw and Betsy Weir who spent hours developing and perfecting this tour.

Katonah Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 389, Katonah, NY 10536

The Katonah Chamber of Commerce is a 501c6 Not for Profit that has promoted the vitality of Katonah's community and commerce since 1949. Copyright © 2024
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