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Member benefits

Dear Business Owner, Professionals, and Community Supporters,

The Officers and Directors of the Katonah Chamber of Commerce invite you to consider membership in 2023. Your

yearly dues help fund many great local events, help promote Katonah as a destination and brand, and ultimately provide

support to your own business and community within that framework.

Along with your membership, we hope you will become engaged with other businesses, participate in our calendar of

events, and join us in promoting Katonah as the PLACE TO BE in Westchester. The more folks who engage in this

community, the stronger it becomes, and the better we are able to highlight each business and what they bring to the whole.

Enclosed is detailed information on memberships and sponsorships. Take a peek at the benefits, follow us on social media

at @katonahdaily on Instagram and @katonahchamber on Facebook and Twitter. We encourage you to take advantage of

the many offerings to get the word out about your business at our events and on our social media. Once you are a member,

you can reach out to to update us on your events, happenings, or items you hope to

feature. Tag us on your social media for re-posts and to keep us in the know.

Regular Membership $250/year (Non-profit rate $150):

- 2 guaranteed posts to social media (content provided by member)

- full listing on Chamber website directory

- invites to networking events

- inclusion in chamber news and events

- be part of our KATONAH brand

- tag us on social media for re-posts to our stories/feed

- increased access to communication between businesses -- stay in the know about town happenings

- involvement in town-wide events, chamber-wide advertising and promotions

- supports town, community and local business initiatives to get the word out about Katonah

- discounts at participating member businesses

- connect with town and county government to provide small businesses with news and access to elected officials

Additional Opportunities

Consider these premium level memberships which can offer you greater exposure to our audiences. Opportunities for

special event sponsorships will be available as well, as events are created and added to the calendar throughout the year.

Bronze Membership $500/year:

Bundle (unlimited)

Subscription period: 1 year

-No automatically recurring payments

-1 Ticket to Chili Night

- weekly Newsletter Recognition

- all benefits of regular membership

Silver Membership $750/year:

Bundle (unlimited)

Subscription period: 1 year

- 1 dedicated newsletter sent directly to our list -- exclusive newsletter about business, special promotions, or whatever information you choose (content provided by sponsor)

- 4 guaranteed exclusive posts to social media (content provided by sponsor OR by our social media specialist on request)

- premier logo listing on the website

- weekly Newsletter Recognition

- 1 silver sponsor logo mentioned in newsletter

- 2 tickets to chili night event

- all benefits of regular membership

Gold Sponsor $1,000/year:

Bundle (unlimited)

Subscription period: 1 year

No automatically recurring payments

- 2 dedicated newsletters sent directly to our list: an exclusive newsletter about your business, special promotions, or whatever information you choose (content provided by sponsor)

- 6 guaranteed exclusive posts to social media (content provided by sponsor OR by our social media specialist upon request)

- premier logo listing on the website

- weekly Newsletter Recognition

- 2 gold sponsor logo mentions in newsletter

- 4 tickets to chili night event

- all benefits of regular membership

We are a strong community. Members enthusiastically support and refer customers to one another. The chamber replies

to Katonah Parent posts on Facebook, provides responses to email queries on our website, and takes our job as

ambassador seriously. We promote town events, protect and enhance our town’s reputation and communicate effectively

with the public. Join our team and benefit from the support the Chamber provides. We need YOU to be a part of this

community -- the more members, the more we can offer.

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See what our Members and Community have to say about what makes the Katonah Chamber of Commerce so special!

Katonah Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 389, Katonah, NY 10536

The Katonah Chamber of Commerce is a 501c6 Not for Profit that has promoted the vitality of Katonah's community and commerce since 1949. Copyright © 2024
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software